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PS Magazine, July/Aug 2009 At the governing council in Buffalo, an important step was taken that I believe is the most encouraging news to promote the growth of our sport…the limiting of the number of double jumps and which doubles can be attempted at the Preliminary level, rule 3701. Another rule change (Rule 3691) was passed to decrease the number of jump elements from six to five at the pre-juvenile level. I am excited by these changes quite frankly; we need to get back to basics…we need to prioritize skill and athletic development over winning at the entry levels. The need to win at the Juvenile and Intermediate levels have led to the drop off in numbers at the novice level. Why are we in such a rush to push children out of our sport? As the saying goes, “The race is not always won by the fastest, but the one who runs the longest.” This should just be the beginning. Many of you will recall the Preliminary/Pre-Juvenile survey that was sent to PSA members, with the results published ...